Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I feel so dumb

Sometimes, when sailors are sailing,they think twice, about where they're anchoring and I think I could make better time of my time on land. I'll drink less 'cause lord knows I could use a warm kiss instead of a cold goodbye. I'm writing the folks back home to tell them "hey im doing alright" The Format's "If Work Permits"

This post will make me sound selfish and immature. You'll probably I am spoiled and have entitlement issues. Just warning you.

It all ended last year. It was early February. It didn't seem real. It didn't seem definite, more like a cruel April Fool's joke played 2 months too early. We didn't talk, I mean, we couldn't. There were a few vague internet postings and that was it. The Format broke up. A band I considered a favorite of mine since high school and one of the only ones to truly endure into college was finished. So I stopped listening to them. Cold turkey.

I thought I could avoid the new bands pretty easily and I did.

But today I found out that fun is touring with Manchester Orchestra and I will have to see them live.

This is the biggest problem in my life right now.

Poor me right?

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